Family Retreats
Each fall & spring IFM plans a weekend away for international families. The weekend includes activities for the children, youth and adults. Special music and inspirational testimonies are a part of the weekend for the adults. Afternoons are free for family activities. Many have said that the IFM Retreats were the most meaningful experiences they had while in the United States.
Family Life Groups
Monthly activities are planned which include the whole family. Each family brings a dish of favorite food. Drinks & desserts are provided by IFM. Music groups perform and various speakers are invited to share personal life experiences.
Youth Outings
Many events and outings are planned throughout the year. Cookouts, birthday parties, movies and celebrations are all part of the year's activities.
Summer Camps
Each summer just after school ends, a week of summer day camp is provided for international children and youth. The camp is usually hosted in the facilities of one of our local churches. Children from different countries come together for week of fun. The parents are invited to enjoy great food and a presentation by the children at the end of camp. One little boy from China said, "This has been the best week of my life."