Dear friends,
When you pray Psalm 91 over your family every day, please also mention IFM in your prayers. And we pray for you individually as the Lord brings different ones of you to our mind.
We are learning new ways to have our Bible studies on Facebook live and Zoom. And we’re also trying to connect with many through varied ways of social media.
Most importantly, we are seeking to spend more time with the Lord, thankful for His faithful promise that - “Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, This is the way, walk in it, when you turn to the right and to the left.” (Is 30:21)
We know that nothing catches God but surprise and that He has prepared us for this time, as He has also prepared you.
Pray that we can be sensitive to what is on the Lord’s heart each day and cooperate with him concerning those He has called us to reach.
“How gracious He will be when you cry for help. As soon as He hears, He will answer you.” (Is 30:19)
Many years ago, the Lord spoke to my heart through the previous verse in Isaiah. “Therefore will the Lord wait that He may be gracious to you.”(Is 30:18). We know that the Lord always has something in mind for what He allows.
It seems we have definitely moved into a new era of world history - and this is a time for a great Harvest for Christ. Jesus said, “Open your eyes and look at the fields. They are ripe for harvest .”(John 4:35). Would you pray with us that the Lord would call forth more workers to help us in this particular harvest field? (Matthew 9:38)
Please specifically ask God’s blessing on the Monday night men’s Bible study, now done live using “Zoom” (they can see and hear and even participate in the Bible study using online methods).
Also please pray for our Wednesday morning ladies Bible study which will be done through Facebook live.
We started an international children’s art challenge based on Ps 50:10-11. We will see what child from which country will turn in the most drawings by this Friday.
Again, please know that your prayers are not wasted and they make a great difference. They are the wind behind the sails, enabling us to touch many lives for Jesus.
Is 26:20 says “ Go, My people, enter into your rooms and shut the doors behind you, hide yourselves for a little while until His wrath has passed by.”
Matthew 6:6 days, “When you pray, go into your room and pray to your Father who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”
We know He is watching over each of you in your homes and listening carefully to all your prayers.
May the Lord bless each of you.
With our love,
Ron and Carole Collins